S@x Tips- Women's age increases by having sex this many times a week, know what benefits men get
Friends, as we have told you through many of our previous articles that sex has been an important part of human race since ancient times, participating in which not only gives you physical peace, but you also get mental peace, people choose from their mind and time when they want to have sex and how to do it, if we believe the recent reports, then there is an age during which having sex is good for the health of women and men and increases their age, let's know the complete information.
Less frequent sex increases death risk : One study found women who had sex only once a week had70% higher risk of death than women who had sex more often. Researchers argue that regular sexual activity promotes heart health due to the release of beneficial hormones such as prolactin ,
Health benefits of regular sex for women: Women who maintain a more active sex life enjoy positive effects of hormones released during sex , which contribute to heart health.
Men who have sex at least once a week have a lower risk of death than those who abstain from sex. Regular sex may also reduce cancer risk in men.