S@x Tips- Is physical relation really beneficial for health? Know the full details
Friends, we have told you many times that sex is the most pleasurable activity of the human race, which not only gives you physical pleasure but also gives you mental pleasure, but often a question remains a topic of discussion among people whether we get health benefits by having sex, research shows that a satisfying physical relationship can provide many health benefits, including disease prevention and better health. Let's know about them-
1. Heart health
Having regular sex is good for your heart . Men who have sex with their partner at least twice a week have a significantly lower risk of stroke and heart disease.
2. Relief from menstrual pain
For women , physical intimacy can provide relief from menstrual pain and cramps. 31% of women experience less discomfort during their menstrual period when they are sexually active.
3. Stress reduction and blood pressure control
Physical intimacy increases the production of endorphins , which are natural mood lifters. This increase in endorphins helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Additionally , having sex can help regulate blood pressure.
4. Lower risk of prostate cancer
Men who ejaculate more than 21montha 20% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ejaculate less frequently
5. Better sleep quality
Physical intimacy acts as a form of exercise that can make you feel refreshed. It promotes the release of hormones like oxytocin ,, which are known to enhance sleep quality and help relax the body.