Yoga Asanas for Bloating: Is your stomach always bloated then By doing these 3 yoga asanas, all the gas in the stomach will come out

Yoga Asanas for Bloating: Is your stomach always bloated then By doing these 3 yoga asanas, all the gas in the stomach will come out

Yoga asanas for health

Yoga Asanas for Bloating: Is your stomach always bloated then By doing these 3 yoga asanas, all the gas in the stomach will come out

Yoga For Bloating: To get rid of the problem of bloating, practicing some yogasanas can prove beneficial. Know about 3 such yogasanas.

Yoga For Bloating: It is common to have digestive problems due to wrong eating and poor lifestyle. People are troubled by the problem of gas and bloating in the stomach. Many people have the problem of flatulence after eating food. Sometimes when the intestinal bacteria are not able to digest the food properly, even then there is a problem of gas. One feels uncomfortable due to bloating. If you also want to get rid of this problem, then you can take the help of yoga. Today in this article we are telling you 3 beneficial yoga poses to get rid of bloating. Regular practice of these 3 yoga poses can help you get rid of the problem of gas and bloating in the stomach. However, if you have just started doing yoga, do it under the supervision of an expert or a trainer.

1. Dhanurasana


To do this asana, lie down on the ground on your stomach.

Keep a little gap below your buttocks and keep your arms straight.

Now exhale while bending your knees.

Bring your heels closer to your buttocks.

Now arched, hold the toes of your feet with your hands.

Now taking a deep breath, lift your chest off the ground.

After remaining in this state for some time, come back to normal state.

Repeat this asana 3 to 5 times.

2. Bhujangasana


To do this asana, lie down on the ground on your stomach.

Keep your elbows close to your waist and palms facing upward.

Now while slowly inhaling, lift your chest upwards.

After that slowly lift your stomach up. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Now while exhaling, slowly lower your stomach, chest and then head towards the ground.

You can do this process 3-5 times.

3. Pawanmuktasana

To do this asana, first lie down on your back.


Ah breathe slowly.

Now lift both your legs together and bend the knees of your legs.


Now try to bring the knees of your legs towards the chest and bring them near the mouth.


During this, you have to hold the feet with both your hands.

Now try to touch your nose with the knees of your legs.

Stay in this position for about 30-60 seconds.

Then slowly return to the initial position.

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