World Health Day 2023: Do not eat 5 types of foods in summer, health can deteriorate..


Foods To Avoid in the Summer Season: A lot of attention has to be paid to food and drink in the summer season. If you do not take the right diet, then you can fall prey to many seasonal diseases. Taking the wrong diet can spoil digestion. There can be problems of food poisoning, stomach pain, vomiting, etc. To stay healthy in this season, cold things should be eaten more, so that the body remains cool from the inside. In this season, people are asked to drink maximum water. Along with it, it is also advised to drink energy drinks like sugarcane juice, and coconut water. Let us tell you today which foods to avoid during the summer season. Which foods are bad for your health?


Avoid chili spices: Chilli spices should be reduced in the food during the summer season. The more oily spicy things included in the food should be avoided, in the same way, the powder of some dry spices should also not be used in the food. Excess consumption of chili powder, garam masala, and cinnamon powder in the food makes the body hot. This could be because they increase the rate of metabolism. Also, some spices contain a compound called Capsaicin, which produces heat by increasing the pitta dosha of the body. This can cause you to sweat more, boils on the skin, weakness, dehydration, etc. That's why food containing chili spices should be avoided in the summer season.

Reduce non-veg food: People who eat non-veg should reduce it in summer. One should also refrain from eating non-veg every day during summer. Avoid excessive consumption of tandoori, chicken, fish, and seafood, as they cause excessive sweating, as well as problems related to digestion. Many times the problem of diarrhea also starts due to eating more meat and fish. That's why avoid non-veg in summer

Do not eat junk food: Today's children and youth eat a lot of pizza, burgers, chowmein, pasta, street foods, momos, samosas, french fries, etc. But people should keep their distance from them in summer. Eating oily and junk or fast foods like meat patties, burgers or anything else can cause stomach upset. Oil spices can further increase body heat in the summer season. That's why avoid eating junk food.

Eat fewer pickles: People like pickles a lot. If the pickle is mixed with food, then the taste becomes enjoyable. Including pickles in the food double the taste of the food, but your health can deteriorate due to the taste. Pickle is prepared from oil spices and is fermented. It is also high in sodium, which can cause water retention, bloating, indigestion, bloating, etc. That's why eating pickles should be avoided in summer. This can be injurious to health.


Drink less tea and coffee: In the summer season, beverages like tea and coffee should be reduced completely. These are in the work of increasing the heat of the body. That's why it is better to drink sugarcane juice, and coconut water instead of tea and coffee in the summer season.

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