World Diabetes Day 2023: What is the connection between diabetes and sleep? Understand it from experts..


World Diabetes Day 2023: Sleep is very important for our health. Quality sleep plays an important role in maintaining our physical and mental health. Nowadays, the lifestyle of people has become such that they are facing the problem of lack of sleep, which not only makes the mood irritable but also causes many other effects, which also include diabetes.


Due to busy routines, work pressure, and excessive use of phones, people compromise with sleep. Good sleep can help maintain glucose metabolism in the body and reduce insulin sensitivity. Due to lack of sleep, stress, and poor lifestyle, the risk of a person falling prey to diabetes increases.

Dr. Sushila, Senior Director, Internal Medicine, Medanta, Gurgaon said, 'Sleep-related problems like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) along with diabetes are two serious conditions that can co-occur. OSA is characterized by upper airway disturbance, or difficulty breathing, which causes breathing to stop for a few seconds at night. Due to this obstruction, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases and a condition of apnea occurs. When there is a lack of oxygen in the body, it makes the fat cells resistant, which increases the glucose level. Which can cause diabetes. Additionally, sleep apnea causes the upper respiratory tract to close, which increases the amount of CO2 in the blood, and this insulin resistance also increases blood glucose levels. This causes interrupted sleep throughout the night and the person feels tired the next day.'

According to the National Library of Medicine, 86% of obese type 2 diabetic patients suffer from sleep apnea. Additionally, type-2 diabetes mellitus is associated with OSA and obesity. This means that those who have sleep problems are on the verge of obesity and are at risk of type 2 diabetes as well as sleep apnea.

Control diabetes with these changes
have a good sleep

It was said that sleep is important to prevent diabetes, so work on how to get good sleep. Make a sleep-wake schedule. It will just take three to four days to set it up. Make a habit of getting up early in the morning, this will help you sleep at the right time at night.

Solve sleep-related problems
If a person has sleep-related problems like sleep apnea, there may be a lack of oxygen while sleeping, which directly affects the blood sugar level and insulin sensitivity, so if you have this problem, immediately visit a doctor and get it removed. Work on ways to do so.

An active lifestyle can reduce the chances of getting diabetes to a great extent, it also helps in getting good sleep, and working out also reduces the risk of heart-related diseases. Weight and blood pressure all remain under control.


Stay away from stress
It is natural to have stress due to pressure and responsibilities at home and office, but its persistence negatively affects both the health and well-being of the person. Hormones released in response to stress can increase blood sugar levels. So work on managing stress and learn to be happy.

To check whether you have sleep problems or not, you can do a sleep test and if necessary, medical advice can also be taken for this.
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