WhatsApp Update: Now sending stickers on WhatsApp will be double the fun, the style will change..
The sticker feature on WhatsApp is a favorite of most users. People send stickers to each other to make chatting fun. But now WhatsApp is bringing a way that will double the fun of sending stickers. The Meta-owned platform has confirmed some interesting changes. It has been said that now custom stickers can be created using the Meta AI chatbot in the messaging app. It is also working with the popular GIPHY to help you search for new stickers.
Apart from this, GIPHY stickers can now be searched inside WhatsApp, which gives a list of stickers in the messaging app. For this, you just have to tap on the sticker icon and search for stickers using text or emoji. The tab is available in the tray next to emoji, GIF, and GIPHY stickers.
This feature has been awaited for a long time and now WhatsApp is bringing custom sticker makers for Android users. Apple iPhone users have been using this feature for some time, which allows them to create, edit, and share stickers using their photos.
It is important to know that currently, this feature is available for iPhone and Android users in the US, but testing has already started in many countries.
Just like all the features on WhatsApp are encrypted, it is believed that stickers and AI stickers will also come with similar encryption.
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