WhatsApp Tips: If you want to use WhatsApp from two mobile numbers in the same app, then this method will be helpful...


Millions of people are using WhatsApp. In such a situation, to make it more interesting, WhatsApp has launched many new features and keeps giving new updates continuously. WhatsApp has made the everyday life of all of us very easy.


Now we do not have to go to cyber cafes like before to send our documents to anyone. We can easily send anything to anyone just on WhatsApp. Now a new feature has come in it, in which you can use two numbers on your same WhatsApp app. You too must want to know him.

WhatsApp has many important features like document sharing, screen sharing, and photo sharing and now you can even send your photos in good quality i.e. HD quality.

  Use two accounts in one app
     You might have used two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone before, but for that, you will have to download the WhatsApp clone app.
     Due to the new update, using two WhatsApp accounts in the same app has become a very easy task. You just have to use a phone or device that supports multi-SIM or e-SIM technology.

How to use
For this, you will have to use a phone in which you can insert two SIM cards. Once you have a phone with a dual SIM card, you can use two accounts in the same app by following just a few steps.


     First of all, you have to open WhatsApp and go to its settings.

     Here you will find a barcode next to your name. Next to the barcode, you will see an arrow sign inside a circle. You have to click on that arrow sign.

     Step 2- After this, you will see Add Account written. As soon as you click on it, the process for your second account will start. After that you can add a new account.

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