Vastu Tips: Following these rules of Vastu Dosh brings happiness and prosperity to the house...


Vastu Tips: Vastu defects have special importance in Sanatan Dharma. By following Vastu's rules, happiness, peace and prosperity remains in the house. On the other hand, ignoring Vastu's rules leads to instability in the house. For this, Vastu rules are followed from house construction to house entry time. If you also want to get happiness, peace, and prosperity in your life, then definitely follow these rules of Vastu. Let's know-


According to Vastu Pandits, it is better to put a picture of a red horse couple in the southeast corner of the house. This brings happiness, peace, and prosperity to the house. At the same time, the lack of money also goes away. For this, you must put a picture of a red horse couple in the southeast corner of your house.

According to Vastu rules, the north direction of the house is also called the Bhandar angle. It is auspicious to plant green plants at this angle. For this, you can plant green plants in the north direction of the house. You can plant money plants and Shami plants. This will keep blessings in the house.

Vastu experts say that the northeast corner is the place of Brahma. God should be installed in this angle. For this, you can apply rhinestone Sriyantra in the northeast. This will increase your income. At the same time, the economic problem will also go away.

- There is a law of worship in Sanatan Dharma. At the same time, conch shells and bells are played during worship. It is a religious belief that the ringing of the conch and bell brings positive energy to the house. For this keep the bell and conch in the worship house. Also, ring the conch and bell during worship.


Never keep the house of worship stale. For this, clean the house of worship daily. At the same time, do not put the pictures of Gods and Goddesses face to face in the house of worship. Following these Vastu rules brings happiness, peace, and prosperity to the house.

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