Tips to lose weight fast: - You will not gain weight during the wedding season, drink this tea after meals


Everyone wants to stay fit during the wedding season. Women want to look beautiful and fit by dressing up, be it their own wedding or someone else's wedding in the family. But it is not that easy. Weight gain is inevitable between heavy meals during weddings. In such a situation, it is important to take care of portion control while eating heavy food. Also, when eating at a buffet, the meal should include salads, soups and baked items. But apart from all this, if you drink tea as recommended by experts to balance your heavy diet, then obesity will not bother you. Ayurvedic doctor Deeksha is giving detailed information about this tea.

Drink curry leaves and ginger tea to lose weight 

  • Curry leaves and ginger tea can help you lose weight.
  • Antibacterial and medicinal properties are found in curry leaves. This improves digestion and helps in reducing weight.
  • Digestive enzymes are found in these leaves, which relieve stomach problems.
  • This also reduces insulin resistance and improves insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing the fat accumulated around the stomach.
  • Ginger is very good for winter. This relieves indigestion, gas and headache. Besides, it also helps in reducing weight.
  • Ginger also protects the body from many seasonal diseases.
  • This boosts metabolism and the stubborn fat of the body melts easily.
  • It detoxifies the body by controlling blood sugar levels.

How to make curry leaves and ginger tea? 

  • Take 5-7 curry leaves. 
  • Put it in water and boil it.
  • You add half an inch of ginger to it.
  • Now boil it till it reduces to half.
  • After filtering, turn off the gas and add lemon juice to it.
  • You can also add honey in it after it comes to room temperature.

Image Credit: Freepik, Shutterstock


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