Tech Tips: Somewhere the signal remains in the house and somewhere it completely disappears, these tricks will start the network..

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Phone network issue: Staying connected to the phone has become very important in today's time. That's why it becomes a big problem when it starts giving problems due to weak signal and poor reception. If the network does not come properly, we either do not understand the conversation on the call or the call keeps getting dropped. In simple words, many times the network is not found properly in the house. Especially in some parts of the house, the network is very bad.

Many times we can connect again after a few tries, but there are times when the phone is not able to connect to the network. This could be due to many reasons. Let us know what are the reasons and how they can be fixed.

If the network in the phone is not coming in any one room, then go to other places in the house and keep checking. Sometimes it happens that some rooms are completely closed, and hence the network problem is more in them. In such a situation, try in the hall or any room with more space.

It is said that even if you live on the topmost floor, this problem can arise. So if you can change the flat, then try not to go above 2 or 3 floors. Here the connectivity of the network is expected to be the best.

This can also be the reason for the network not coming in the phone if you are running 2G or 3G. Therefore, in the setting of the phone, make sure that your phone is working on 4G or 5G, because it may happen that due to low band, good support is not available on your phone, due to which the network does not come properly.

It may sound a bit strange but even a glass of glass can fix the network problem. If you are stuck in a place where the signal on your phone is almost non-existent, we can recommend you use glass glasses. Just put your phone in the glass and hopefully, you will start getting some signal on your phone.

If nothing works then finally you can get a signal booster installed at home. It is also called a network booster. It can be easily bought online or from the market. However, for this, you will have to spend at least Rs 2,000.

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