Tea Side Effects: Cold tea becomes the home of bacteria, fungus, if you reheat it then there are many disadvantages


Tea Side Effects On the Body: People are very fond of drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people's eyes do not open without tea. He wants tea in the morning. Apart from this, many people need tea several times a day. Drinking too much tea can harm you. This causes acidity problems. Caffeine and its negative effect are also seen in the brain. At the same time, many people make tea. The tea gets cold when kept. Later, the same tea is heated and drunk. Many times people drink only cold tea that has been kept for a long time. But do you know how harmful it can be to drink cold tea after heating it?


Why the need to reheat tea?
Some people reheat the kept tea and drink it. There is some reasoning behind this. For example, you are saved from the hassle of saving tea again and again. There is no need to spend again on tea leaves, milk and sugar. Gas is saved. But how much loss did they are doing in this little savings? They are not aware of this.

What are the disadvantages of drinking tea after heating it again?
Many times people leave the tea for 4 hours or more. During this, micro bacteria and mould start to grow in the tea. They destroy the benefits of tea. When drinking tea after heating it again, these bacteria and fungus can cause a lot of damage to the body.

Good compounds get destroyed
There are many benefits of tea as well. But when the tea is heated, it also causes harm. This destroys the minerals and good compounds present in the tea. Tea does not benefit anything in this but only harms.


Vomiting, diarrhea
Drinking cold tea after heating it again can prove to be very harmful. Its serious negative effects can be seen on the body. Consuming tea like this, again and again, can cause serious stomach-related problems like upset stomach, diarrhoea, cramps, bloating, and vomiting. Due to this, the weight falls rapidly.

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