Tamarind Chutney: Tamarind chutney is amazing, enhances the taste of food..


The sweet and sour taste of chutney is liked by everyone, big or small. To make chutney, some spices are also used along with tamarind and jaggery. Today we are going to tell you its easy recipe so that you can prepare chutney like outside at home.


Tamarind pulp – 1/2 cup
Jaggery – 1 cup
Sugar – 1 tsp
Fennel – 1/2 tsp
Red chilli powder – 1 tsp
Salt – as per taste

- First of all, take water in a bowl add tamarind pulp in it, and soak it well.
After this, mash the pulp well in water. Similarly, put jaggery in a bowl and melt it in water.
- After this, take a pan and keep it on the gas on medium flame to heat it.
- When the pan becomes hot, add tamarind pulp into it and cook.

- After cooking the tamarind pulp for some time, mix 1 cup of soaked jaggery in it.
- Mix it with the help of a ladle. After this, add sugar, red chilli powder and salt as per taste to the mixture and let it cook.
- After a few minutes the chutney will start boiling. Cook the chutney once or twice until it boils.
- After this add fennel and mix it. Cook for about 1 more minute and then turn off the gas. Tamarind chutney is ready.
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