Smartphone Tips: If the smartphone is colorful then why not the charger, the option is only white or black color..   


When you go to buy a new smartphone in the market, there are not one but many color and design options available. But when it comes to the phone charger, the original charger is available in only two colors, white or black. Yes, if you buy a locker charger, then you may get color options in the charger as well. But in the case of the original, only two color options are available. Have you ever wondered why this happens? When there are color options available in smartphones, then why are only two colors chosen for the charger? There are some special reasons behind this.


Why are chargers only white or black?
Companies that make chargers for smartphones keep only white and black options for the color because both these colors are cost-effective and provide better durability. Smartphone chargers are black because this color absorbs heat better than other colors. Black color is considered to be economical as well as the best emitter.


Why is white color better
If you notice, now smartphone chargers are available in white color option and not black. Electronic companies choose white color for smartphone chargers the most. The color of the smartphone charger is white because the reflectivity of this color is less. With this color charger, the heat coming from outside does not reach inside. This color helps in controlling the heat from outside. This is the reason why colors are chosen wisely for charging the battery of the smartphone.

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