Smallest National Park: Explore India's smallest National Park once, know where, when and how to go..


Smallest National Park: There is a lot of variety to visit in India. Everything from mountains to sea, lake, rivers, sand, forest, and open valley is worth seeing here. Apart from this, there are many types of Forest Reserves and National Parks to keep the wildlife safe. Some of these are quite popular, such as Jim Corbett National Park, Kaziranga National Park, and Periyar, among other national parks. But India's smallest National Park is very less famous among the people. Today we will try to know about the same so that next time you can plan to go there and flaunt yourself among friends.


Where is the smallest National Park of India?
India's smallest national park is in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, named South Button Island National Park. This park is spread over a small area of about 5 sq km. The park is a part of the Rani Jhansi Marine National Park and is at a distance of about 24 km from Havelock Island.

For those who like to live amidst nature and are looking for a peaceful environment, this park is nothing less than a paradise. The park is home to a variety of fauna, which will be a pleasant experience to watch. Apart from these, beautiful coral reefs, white sand beaches, and attractive marine life will attract beach lovers.

Fauna of the park
India's smallest national park is rich in marine life. Hence, there is a good scope for snorkeling and scuba diving. Going inside the water, one feels how much peace is inside the isolated water from the outside world. Apart from this, it will be a pleasure to see the variety of colorful fish present inside. Apart from this, some people get a chance to easily see beautiful sea creatures like snappers, barracuda, lionfish, groupers, and turtles. Emphasis is also laid on increasing the number of sea turtles in this park. But keep in mind that the tourists coming here are not allowed to climb the rocky parts of this island.

What is the best time to visit here?
The best time to explore India's smallest national park is from December to April. June to October is the time of heavy rains.


How to reach this park?
One can take day trips from Havelock Island to reach here and explore the place. It takes about two hours by motor boat to reach here. Boats are available on rent from Port Blair.

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