Skin care: Alum is very beneficial for your face skin, know how to use it

Alum is very beneficial for your face skin, know how to use it

Rock Salt

Skin Care: Alum is very beneficial for your face skin, know how to use it

Alum, rich in anti-bacterial properties, proves effective in keeping us away from skin related problems. This transparent substance is called alum. Which proves effective in removing the smell of sweat and acne. Know how alum can help you to keep the facial skin healthy.

Anti aging agent- Alum is a great option to remove wrinkles that appear before age on the face. Lightly wet the stone alum and massage it in circular motion on the face. After applying it on the face for 1 to 2 minutes, leave the face to dry. After keeping it on the face for 30 minutes, clean the face with wet wipes. This solves the problem of aging.


The problem of acne will go away- Prepare a face pack with alum to get rid of the problem of repeated pimples on the skin. For this, make a paste by mixing one spoon of alum in water and apply on the face. Clean the face after leaving the paste of alum rich in anti-bacterial properties on the face for 1 hour. This removes the dirt accumulated on the face.

Remove spots - To remove unwanted spots on the face, add olive or coconut oil to one teaspoon of alum powder. Now apply this mixture on the face with light hands. Avoid applying too much on the face. After keeping it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes, clean the face with herbal face wash. This can provide relief from the problem of black spots appearing on the face.

Face Pack

Maintain glow on the face- Due to the change in the weather, the brightness of the face starts decreasing. To maintain the glow of the face, mix alum powder in Multani Mitti in equal quantity. After that mix aloe vera gel and a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on face and neck. Due to this, the glow of the skin remains intact. Skin remains healthy and shiny.

Aloe vera gel

Avoid tanning- If your face is a victim of tanning, then use alum for it. Due to exposure to the sun, the skin of the face starts to look uneven. For this mix gram flour and coffee in alum powder. After this, prepare a thick paste by adding water as required. Now apply it on the face, neck and arms. Wash the face after the paste dries. This will make the face glow.


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