Rent Agreement Tips: Why is the rent agreement for 11 months? Every tenant should know these rights...


There are often reports of sour relationships between landlords and tenants. Every year, many questions and answers float in the air regarding rent increases and rent agreements. A 10% increase every 11 months. Threats to vacate the house now and then. So the question arises, what are the rights of tenants? How much can a landlord increase the rent every year? Why do landlords and tenants bicker? Let us tell you about the rights of landlords and tenants in Haq Ki Baat.


Can a rent agreement be made for more than 11 months?

Actually, under Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908, there is no mention anywhere that the rent agreement will be made only for 11 months. The landlord and tenant agree for less than 12 months so that it can be made without any problem. This saves both parties from the hassle of getting the documents registered at the sub-registrar's office. Stamp duty for a rent agreement for 11 months is less, whereas for a rent agreement for a longer period, you will have to pay more stamp duty. Therefore, both parties agree for 11 months only.

No landlord can deny essential services like electricity, water, etc. to his tenant. As far as increasing the fare every year is concerned, it is as per the rules of the local states. For example, if you are in Maharashtra, then under the Maharashtra Rent Control Act 1999, the landlord has the right to increase the rent by 4% every year. It should also be mentioned here that the tenant has to pay standard rent. If the landlord makes some changes to the house or changes its structure, he can increase the rent beyond the standard of 4% and it can go up to 25%.

How beneficial is a long-term rental?

If both parties agree to this, then the landlord and tenant can make a long-term agreement. If the tenant wants to stay for 5 years, then the rent agreement should be registered keeping in mind his rights. If things are done only through a notary, then despite the term of 5 years, the landlord can evict the tenant by giving one month's notice without giving any reason.


Who benefits from an 11-month contract?

An 11-month rent agreement gives the landlord an advantage when it comes to canceling the agreement. This allows the landlord to increase the rent. To avoid any dispute, landlords make rent agreements for short periods only. As far as the legal point of view is concerned, the rent agreement cannot be kept in the court as evidence. In such a situation, the tenant cannot present the unregistered rent agreement as his right.

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