Religious Tips: Want the results of 1000 Ashwamedha Yagya and 100 Rajasuya Yagya? So do this work on Devuthani Ekadashi..


Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month is celebrated as Devotthani Ekadashi. This day is also called Devotthan Ekadashi. This year the fast of Devotthan Ekadashi is falling on 23rd November. On this day Lord Vishnu wakes up from Yoga Nidra after 4 months. After which all types of auspicious works begin. On the day of Devuthani Ekadashi, along with worshiping Lord Vishnu, the Vrat Katha is also recited. Tulsi Vivah is also organized on this day.


Auspicious works start from this day
In the Hindu religion, auspicious works like marriage, mundane, tilakotsav, housewarming, etc. start from this day. On the occasion of Devuthani Ekadashi, worship is done in homes, temples, and monasteries, and lamps are donated. On the day of Devuthani Ekadashi, farmers started harvesting the new sugarcane crop. Before this day, no farmer even touched a single sugarcane plant.

Due to changing weather, people started consuming jaggery from this day. Jaggery is made from sugarcane juice, hence the importance of worshiping sugarcane increases further on this day. Sugarcane is considered an auspicious source of sweets. Also, it is believed that if we keep sweetness like sugarcane in our behavior then there will be happiness, peace, and prosperity in the house.

This is the result of fasting
The result of the Devotthan Ekadashi fast is equal to one thousand Ashvamedha Yagya and a hundred Rajasuya Yagya. Bathing in holy rivers and worshiping Lord Vishnu has special significance on this day. By doing good deeds its importance increases further. By observing this fast, the sins of many births are erased. One gets freedom from the cycle of birth and death.


Pandit Raja Acharya of Gaya Vedic Pathshala, who went to the Ministry in this regard, says that the marriage of Damodar and Tulsi takes place on this day. Sugarcane has special significance on this day. Sugarcane is offered to God. Use two canes, do not cut it. After offering it to God, it contains essence like nectar.

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