Property Tips: What is the right of the daughter in her father's property before and after marriage?


In our country, many people lack information about what are the provisions related to the rights of daughters on their father's property. Especially women have less information about it. Many women believe that they have nothing to do with this property.


Apart from this, due to various social traditions, daughters are deprived of their rights to their father's property. Here we will tell you about the legal provisions related to the rights of daughters on their father's property-

What does Hindu Succession Law say:
This law was made in 1956 for the provisions of claims and rights on property. According to this, the daughter has as much right on her father's property as the son. Strengthening the rights of daughters, the amendment made in this succession law in 2005 and a decision given in 2020 ended any kind of doubt regarding the rights of the daughter on her father's property.

By amending the Hindu Succession Act in 2005, it was made clear that daughters have equal rights as sons on the property acquired by the father. In this claim, it will not make any difference whether the father died without making a will or whether the daughter is married or not. On the other hand, in a decision given in 2020, it was said that the daughter can also claim the ancestral property received during partition.

Recent decision regarding daughter's rights on property-
In January this year, the Supreme Court gave a historic decision regarding the rights of the daughter on her father's property. It was provisioned that daughters have the right to inherit their father's property (self-acquired and divided). In the property of a Hindu father who dies without making a will, the daughter will be given preference over other family members such as the father's brother or brother's sons and daughters, and will have equal rights as her brothers.


You can go to court if you don't get the property.
The daughter can go to court to claim rights to her father's property. For this, he will have to file a case in the civil court. If the claim is true, the daughter will get rights in her father's property.

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