Personal Loan Tips: Before applying for a personal loan, definitely ask these 3 questions to the bank...
A personal loan is a loan that comes in handy when you are in dire need of money and you are unable to get that help from your loved ones. This is the reason why a personal loan is also called an emergency loan. You can spend the amount of a personal loan anywhere. But if you go to take a personal loan, then definitely ask 3 questions about the bank, otherwise, you will have to face trouble later.
Fixed or floating interest rate?
Before taking a personal loan, ask the bank whether the interest rate on your loan will be fixed or flexible. Fixed interest rate is that which is decided at the time of taking the loan and it remains the same during the entire loan period. Floating interest rate is that which changes when RBI changes the repo rate. The biggest advantage of a floating interest rate is that if the repo rate decreases then the interest rate decreases. But it increases when the repo rate increases. The repo rate does not affect fixed interest, it remains the same during the entire loan period.
Loan tenure
Before taking a personal loan, find out about the loan tenure from your lender, what is the maximum and minimum tenure for repaying the loan? Usually, the tenure of a personal loan ranges from 6 months to 8 years, although some lenders can extend it to 10 years or more. The tenure depends on factors such as loan amount, interest rate, and borrower's creditworthiness.
Be sure to ask about the prepayment and processing charges and other types of charges for personal loans. Many banks and NBFC companies levy prepayment charges for repaying the personal loan before the stipulated period. If you know about the prepayment charges in advance, it will be easier for you.
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