Navratri Kanya Puja: Use this fruit during Kanya Puja during Navratri, Mother Durga will be pleased...


Kanya Puja has special significance in Navratri. People who celebrate Navratri, along with worshiping the 9 forms of Goddess Durga, also perform Kanya Puja on Navami day. But if Kanya Puja is done using these special things during Kanya Puja, then people get special benefits. Astrologer Manohar Acharya said that worshiping girls during Navratri has its own importance and on this day, they should be worshiped and fed to them keeping certain things in mind. By doing this, Mother Durga is pleased and the desired result is achieved.


Enjoy these things and Goddess Durga will be pleased.
The astrologer said that Kanya Puja is performed on all 9 dates during Navratri. But Kanya Puja has special significance on Navami Tithi. He told that on this day the feet of the unmarried girl should be washed, anointed, and worshiped by giving chunri and fruits in her hands. After this, Halwa and Malpua should be offered. You can also offer gram ghugni.

Apart from this, worshiping a girl with the fruit of the season is considered to have special significance and it also provides special benefits. The astrologer said that offering seasonal fruits like custard apples, water chestnuts, etc. during the worship of a virgin girl brings happiness, prosperity, and wealth to children.


Keep these things in mind during Kanya Puja
Pandit Manohar Acharya said that some things need to be taken special care during Kanya Puja. He said that in Kanya Puja, 9 forms of Goddess Durga are worshipped. Therefore, worshiping only girls up to 9 years of age on Navami day is considered to have special significance.

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