Myths Vs Facts: Should you not bathe for three days during periods? Know the whole truth


Do not eat sour things during periods, women's blood is dirty during periods, if you use a menstrual cup then you risk losing your virginity, are some common myths related to periods. Another myth is that women should not wash their hair during menstruation as it can affect their chances of pregnancy. Also, there is a myth that one should not bathe during periods? Because it can cause many problems.

Let's know what is the truth behind these myths? We know that it usually starts when grandmother, grandmother or any other old woman forbids women from doing certain things during menstruation. Washing hair is forbidden during that time. But can washing hair during periods really cause health problems.

ABP Live Hindi Myth and Facts Series

We will talk about all these things in detail one by one. In the ABP Live Hindi Myth and Facts series, we will talk about the topic that flowers and trees start withering if touched during periods? Today we will talk about this topic in detail. ABP Live Hindi has started a series on 'Myth vs Facts'. Through this series, we will try to answer all the myths in the society about pregnancy, which people follow thinking them to be true, in a logical way.

Myths Vs Facts:

Bathing during periods does not have any bad effect on the body. Rather, it also cures health related problems. Special care should be taken of cleanliness during periods, otherwise a strange smell will start coming from your body.

Bathing with hot water gives a lot of relief in body pain. It provides relief from body cramps, headache, lower back pain.

Not bathing during periods is not a big reason. Maintaining good hygiene during periods can prevent odor. Taking a warm bath relaxes your abdominal muscles and relieves cramps. However, keep in mind that the pressure of water during bathing can reduce or stop your menstrual flow, but this is not guaranteed.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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