Metal Jewelry Allergy Remedies: Metal jewelry causes allergy in rain, do 5 home remedies immediately...


How To Treat Metal Jewelery Allergy: Metal jewelery is always in trend. Women carry it according to their fashion. Be it metal earrings, bracelets, or necklaces, women of all ages use them a lot in the form of different jewelry. But some women have a problem that as soon as they wear metal jewelry, their skin starts getting rashes or itching. If you also struggle with such problems, then you can treat them with the help of some home remedies. Let's know how.


Tea tree oil- Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties which can help in controlling any kind of skin allergy. If there is an allergy on the skin, then you put 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil in one teaspoon of coconut oil. Now apply it on the skin with the help of a cotton ball and leave it for a few hours. You will get rest.

Aloe vera gel - Aloe vera gel also has antibacterial properties which can be used to cure any kind of skin infection. To apply it, take fresh aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area. You will get rest.

Turmeric paste- Turmeric has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal properties. If there is an allergy due to wearing metal jewelry on the skin, then you can easily feel relief with the help of turmeric. You take half a teaspoon of turmeric and make a thick paste by adding water to it and applying it to the allergic area. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Compress with ice – You can also get relief from metal allergies with the help of a cold compress. If there is a skin allergy in this season, then wrap the ice in plastic and compress it on the skin. Will get instant relief.


Neem leaves – Neem leaves also have antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal properties. To use it, take some neem leaves and make a paste by mixing it with water. Apply it on the skin for half an hour then wash it.
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