Married men must drink by adding cloves to boiled milk, know the benefits of drinking it


You must have drunk turmeric, cardamom milk till now, but have you ever consumed clove milk? Yes, clove milk is very beneficial for health. Its regular consumption gives amazing benefits, especially for men. Abrar Multani, a well-known doctor of Ayurveda, says that although the body benefits from consuming milk and cloves separately if you consume these two together then you can avoid many serious diseases. Fat and protein present in milk activate the male hormones. Therefore, by consuming milk with cloves, men feel refreshed.


Consume it like this
You can consume cloves mixed with milk at any time, but consuming it at night is considered more beneficial. If you want, keep the clove powder prepared in advance and drink it when you want to mix it with milk. You heat the milk. Grind the clove and keep it. Whenever you mix clove powder in milk, you can drink clove milk by adding a little jaggery to it.

Relieve sore throat
The consumption of cloves and milk is beneficial to remove sore throat. In winter, there is often a problem of sore throat or phlegm, to get rid of sore throat, you can consume cloves mixed with milk at night.


Infertility treatment
 The problem of infertility has become very common among married people these days. In some cases, the sperm cells of men are weak, due to which the eggs of women are fertilized. On the other hand, due to irregular ovulation of women, the fertility period is not fixed. The problem of infertility is also related to weight in many people. Consuming cloves reduces weight, it reduces sugar. It improves sperm cells in men and regularizes menstruation in women.

Relieve stress and tension
Consuming cloves keeps the mind calm. Which also improves the mood. It keeps away from depression and anxiety.

Increases sexual stamina
 Clove is also considered to be a factor in increasing the libido ie love hormone in men. In China, people consume cloves to increase sexual power. It increases blood flow to the penis tissue of men.

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