Kiwi Smoothie: Make and drink special Kiwi Smoothie at the beginning of the day, you will get plenty of energy...


Kiwi is a fruit which is easily available in every season. Nutrients like fiber, protein, vitamin C, antioxidants, etc. are present in it. It is very healthy, it also strengthens the immune system. You can make a banana smoothie and drink it for breakfast. This will keep you energetic throughout the day...


Kiwi- 2
Lemon juice – 1/2 tsp
Apple - 1/2
Cucumber - 1
Banana/Parsley or Spinach
Coconut water – 1/2 cup


Kiwi Smoothie Recipe
1. First of all, wash all the ingredients thoroughly, peel them, and then cut them.

2. After this, put all these ingredients in a blender and blend them well.

3. Your smoothie is ready.
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