Kitchen Tips: Do you use ginger-garlic paste daily? Make it in 3 ways and store it like this, it will remain fresh for a long time..


How to Store Ginger Garlic Paste: Ginger-garlic paste is used almost daily during cooking. But it also takes a lot of hard work to make it every day. In such a situation, if the guests are about to come and there is a hurry to cook. Then making ginger-garlic paste seems like a very difficult task. In such a situation, if you wish, you can make a ginger-garlic paste and store it for several days.


Actually, without ginger-garlic paste, the taste of food seems somewhat incomplete. But making it every day is also a very troublesome task. That's why today we tell you the tips to make and store ginger garlic paste. So that you do not have to worry about making it daily.

Store in airtight container
To store the ginger-garlic paste for a long time, first understand the method of making it. For this, peel ginger and garlic. Then add salt to both things and grind them separately. Now add a little refined to the ginger paste and store it in an air-tight container. So mix a little refined in the garlic paste and keep it in another air-tight container. Then store both these pastes in the fridge and mix them and use them at the time of need.

Take help of ice tray
If you want to store ginger-garlic paste for four-five months. So for this, first wash and peel ginger and garlic. Then grind it finely and make a paste. Then fill this paste in an ice tray and cover it with a plastic wrapper and keep it in the fridge. When the paste cubes are ready, take it out from the ice tray and store it in a plastic zip bag and use it whenever needed.

Make ginger-garlic powder
To get ginger garlic paste ready for your need, you have to make its powder. For this, first, peel the garlic and grind it coarsely and dry it properly in the sun. Then make its powder and store it in an airtight container. Now peel the ginger and grate it and spread it on butter paper and keep it in the sun for a few days.


When the ginger dries up, grind it to make powder and keep it in an air-tight container. When you have to do cooking, mix both the powders and make a paste and use it. If you want, you can also store ginger and garlic powder separately by bringing it from the market.
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