Insurance Tips: Do not make these 5 mistakes even by mistake, your health insurance claim will be rejected..


Many times it is seen that people's health insurance claims get rejected. When this happens, most people blame the insurance company, but in many cases, the fault lies with the people. Due to their small mistakes, their health insurance claim gets rejected. Let's know about 5 such mistakes.


1- Giving wrong information
Many times in a hurry, people give wrong information about their age, income, information of existing medical insurance policy, profession, etc. This causes problems later. Due to this, many times health insurance claims also get rejected.

2- Hiding the existing disease
Often the biggest mistake people make while taking health insurance is that they give wrong information about their existing disease, family medical history, smoking, or drinking alcohol. This can lead to the rejection of your health insurance claim.

3- Ignoring the waiting period
Most health insurance has some waiting periods according to different diseases. If you do not follow the waiting period and make a health insurance claim during that period, that is related to any of those diseases, then it is sure to be rejected.

4- Expiration of the policy
Although very few people make this kind of mistake, due to this there is no question of the claim being passed. If you do not pay the premium of your health insurance policy on time, then the policy will lapse and your health insurance claim will be rejected.


5- Delay in giving information
Many times people give information about hospitalization to the insurance company late. Let us tell you that this time is different in different insurance companies, but if you inform the company after the stipulated time then your health insurance claim may be rejected.

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