Important News- Men bow down to these body parts of married women, know about them


Friends, since ancient times, women have been described as a form of power, not only this, in India women are considered to be the form of Goddess Lakshmi, but we cannot deny the fact that a beautiful woman is also a man's biggest weakness, in front of which he bows down, today through this article we will tell you in front of which parts of a married woman men kneel, let's know about them-

The power of sweet words in women

The greatest strength of women lies in their ability to speak sweetly. This quality allows them to win hearts and earn respect , enabling them to establish themselves in prominent positions in their families and society.


After marriage, a woman's waist becomes very beautiful, especially between the ages of 28 to 35, on which men lose their attraction.

pink lips-

A person's lips add to his/her beauty, in such a situation a woman's pink lips can intoxicate anyone.


It is said that eyes are the mirror of the heart and deep black eyes are the biggest weapon of a woman, through which she can intoxicate anyone.

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