If you are fond of drinking banana shakes, then first know its disadvantages


Many people like to drink banana shakes instead of eating bananas. However, drinking banana shakes can cause many harms to you. Know in this article.

Side effects of having banana shakes for health
From children to adults, everyone likes to drink banana shakes. Sometimes in the morning at breakfast time or sometimes at evening snack time when you feel a little hungry, then banana shake makes you feel fuller. It does not take much time to make a banana shake and it is also very tasty, so everyone likes to drink it.

But do you know that banana shakes are not considered very good in terms of health. Banana and milk are not a good combination. Although both are very nutritious in themselves, they are not considered a good food combination. When bananas are blended in milk and made into a shake, it can also cause some harm to your health. So, in this article today, Ritu Puri, dietician of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you why making and drinking banana shake is not a good idea-

Banana shake health
If you are on a weight loss journey, then drinking banana shake is not a good idea at all. Banana shakes are high in calories, especially if made with full-fat milk, sugar or ice cream. Drinking them repeatedly can increase your weight.

Blood sugar may spike
If you have diabetes or insulin resistance, then you should avoid making and drinking banana shakes. Bananas contain natural sugar and when it is blended with milk in the form of a shake and drunk, this sugar is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Many times we also add sweeteners or other high sugar fruits to it, which can make your condition even worse.

Digestion related problems

Expert for health

If you consume banana shake in large quantities, then you may face digestion related problems. This happens because bananas are high in fiber. When people drink more banana shake than required, they may complain of bloating, gas or constipation. Not only this, if you are lactose intolerant, then drinking banana mixed with milk can cause a lot of trouble.

Cavity problem for health

Bananas contain natural sugar, and when it is consumed in liquid form as a shake, it can stick to the teeth. Due to which the risk of cavity increases manifold. Especially, if you do not take proper care of oral hygiene, then over time you may also have other dental problems like plaque formation and tooth decay.

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