Heart Attack: The risk of heart attack is increasing due to air pollution, know who is at greater risk and how to prevent it...


Heart Attack: Changing lifestyles and changes in eating habits are making people victims of many problems these days. Heart disease is one of these problems, due to which many people are troubled these days. A significant increase in heart attack cases has been seen in recent times. A heart attack is a medical emergency in which a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart and deprives the heart tissues of oxygen.


According to WHO (World Health Organization), an estimated 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 2016, which is 31% of all deaths worldwide. 85% of these deaths were due to heart attacks and strokes. Many factors are responsible for heart attacks, one of which is air pollution. Many studies show that air pollution can trigger heart attacks, strokes, and irregular heart rhythms. Let us know how air pollution causes heart attack and how it can be avoided.

Why is air pollution dangerous?
The ever-increasing pollution is beginning to affect our health as well. In cases of heart failure, air pollution can further reduce the heart's ability to pump blood. Of greater concern in triggering these effects are extremely small particles of pollution, which are found in visible air as haze, smoke, and dust.

Who is at greater risk?
Many people are at risk of heart attack due to air pollution. Elderly people and people with risk factors for heart disease or stroke may be at greater risk. Apart from this, people with heart attack, angina, bypass surgery, angioplasty with or without a stent, stroke, blockage in neck or leg arteries, heart failure, diabetes, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are at higher risk. Apart from this, the following people are also at higher risk.

If you are a man aged 45 years or older or a woman aged 55 years or older, you are at higher risk.

You have a family history of stroke or early heart disease. Apart from this, if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol problems, you are also at high risk.

If you are overweight or not physically active and if you smoke cigarettes.


Follow these tips to stay safe-
If you have heart disease or have experienced a stroke, consult your doctor to avoid air pollution.

If you are at risk of heart disease or stroke and are planning to exercise, talk to your doctor first.

To keep your heart healthy, take a balanced and proper diet.

Heart attack can also be avoided by making appropriate changes in your lifestyle.
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