Health Tips- What should be the blood pressure according to your age, know the complete details


Friends, as we have seen in recent years that many people are dying due to heart attack and silent heart attack, which is a cause of trouble, friends, today man has become so busy that he is not able to pay attention to his food and spoils his lifestyle, due to which diseases are a common thing, in such a situation, if we talk about blood pressure, then it is an important indicator of cardiovascular health, which shows how effectively the blood exerts pressure on the walls of your arteries. Due to lack of information, people do not know what your blood pressure should be according to age, let us tell you-

Newborns: Usually, 90/60 mmHg.

Children (6 months to 2 years): Usually around 100/70 mmHg.

Children (up to 18 years): A normal range is around 120/80 mmHg.

Adults (18-39 years):

Men: about 119/70 mmHg.

Women: about 110/68 mmHg.


Adults (40-56 years):

Men: about 124/77 mmHg.

Women: about 122/74 mmHg.


Seniors (60 years and older):

Men: ideally 133/69 mmHg.

Women: about 139/68 mmHg.

Elderly (80 years and older): Optimal blood pressure is considered to be 150/90 mmHg or less.

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