Health Tips- These parts of a man's body should be kept clean, otherwise health can be at risk


Friends, maintaining a good health does not mean that you only keep your diet and lifestyle right, but proper hygiene is very important. Ignoring personal hygiene can lead to many infections and diseases, which have a very bad effect on your health. Such as washing hands after sneezing, coughing, touching animals or using the toilet. This negligence can cause many health problems. Let us know which parts should be kept clean-

1. Beard hygiene

Nowadays many men keep long, full beards, but it is very important to maintain beard hygiene. Dust, dirt and bacteria can get trapped in the beard, causing skin rashes and itching. Wash it regularly


2. Undergarments and socks

Not keeping undergarments and socks clean can lead to infections around the genital area, skin rashes and unpleasant odor from the feet. It is very important to keep these items clean and replace them regularly to avoid these problems.

3. Nail care

Men should also pay attention to keeping their nails clean and trimmed. Overgrown nails can accumulate dirt, which can enter your body while eating and potentially cause stomach infections, pain or vomiting.


4. Hair hygiene

Hair loss is a common problem for many men, which is further aggravated due to pollution, dust and poor hygiene. Washing hair regularly with a mild shampoo helps remove dirt and prevents infections that can lead to hair breakage.

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