Health Tips- Is your stomach not clear in the morning, then press this point of the body during defecation, the stomach will be clean


Today humans are so busy in their work that they spoil their lifestyle and eating habits, due to which many types of serious diseases make you their victim at a young age, due to our poor eating habits, there is difficulty in defecating in the morning, which can be both uncomfortable and irritating. You are not alone in feeling like this, today through this article we will tell you about that part of the body, by pressing which during defecation your stomach will be clean, let's know about it

There is an old remedy that can help reduce this problem. This technique is based on acupressure, an ancient method of treatment that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body.


How it works:

For digestive problems, especially the problem of not clearing the stomach in the morning, a specific area of ​​your body is pressed in this technique.

To use this method: Identify the upper part of your elbow. Apply pressure by pressing on this area 15 to 18 times. You may feel slight discomfort or pain during this process, but tolerating this brief discomfort can bring you great relief.

By incorporating this technique into your daily routine, you may find that: Your stomach empties more effectively. You experience fewer symptoms of gas, constipation, and acidity. Your overall digestive system becomes stronger and more flexible.

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