Health Tips- Have you become a victim of food poisoning, then do not make these mistakes even by mistake, it can be dangerous for health


With the arrival of the rainy season, greenery spreads all around and gives you a chance to roam around and eat different types of hot dishes, but friends, the risk of food poisoning increases significantly in this season. Food spoils quickly due to moisture, due to which bacteria and viruses start growing. To maintain your health, it is very important to be cautious about food safety. Let us know what precautions should be taken in this season-


1. Avoid eating stale food from outside

In the rainy season, food can spoil quickly, which increases the risk of contamination. To avoid food poisoning, stay away from stale or poorly stored food from outside.

2. Give priority to cleanliness

It is very important to maintain cleanliness during the rainy season. Always wash your hands before and after eating.

3. Ensure water quality

Always drink clean, boiled water or use a reliable water filter to avoid food poisoning.


4. Keep your food covered

Food kept in the open is likely to be contaminated. Always keep food covered and in clean containers. Use the refrigerator to keep perishable items fresh and safe from germs.

5. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly

The rainy season often leads to increased dirt and grime on fruits and vegetables. Wash them thoroughly before eating to remove any potential contaminants.

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