Health Tips : From curd to carom seeds, these 5 ingredients present in your kitchen can cure bloating

From curd to carom seeds, these 5 ingredients present in your kitchen can cure bloating

Bloating tips

Health tips : From curd to carom seeds, these 5 ingredients present in your kitchen can cure bloating

Many times we have to face bloating due to over eating or unbalanced diet. Due to this, the problem of restlessness, nausea and heartburn also starts increasing. Flatulence is a common symptom in this. Gastrointestinal problems, being dehydrated and periods are also common causes of bloating in women.

Make bananas a part of the meal- Bananas rich in fiber and potassium are beneficial for our health. Banana regulates the sodium level in our body. Also helps in keeping away from the danger of water retention. According to the National Library of Medicine, women who eat bananas twice a day. They stay away from the problem of bloating. Banana also takes care of our gut health.


Tomato is beneficial- Tomatoes are found in abundance of prebiotics. Which help the body in increasing healthy gut bacteria. Due to its continuous consumption, our body remains free from many types of diseases. The detoxifying properties found inside it improve the digestive system. Tomatoes rich in vitamin C can be added to food in the form of juice, chutney or puree.


Ginger is amazing- Ginger keeps our body away from many problems. For acidity related problems, drinking ginger boiled in water gives relief from bloating. According to Anisbi, by eating 1500 mg of ginger daily, apart from bloating, you also get rid of the problem of nausea. You can drink it as a tea or add it to recipes. Ginger is also an effective remedy for cough and cold.


Yogurt will give coolness to the stomach – where milk intake during bloating works to increase the problem. Whereas curd improves your digestive system. The healthy bacteria present in it removes stomach disturbances. Mixing a pinch of salt and black pepper in curd and eating it provides relief from the problem of acid accumulated in the stomach. Must eat curd twice a day.


Carom seeds will bring benefits - Carom seeds fulfills the deficiency of calcium, iron and fiber in the body. By eating a pinch of Carom seeds mixed with salt, the acid produced in the stomach starts to be released. Along with this, the digestion process also becomes strong. Apart from this, acidity and stomach pain also goes away. Apart from this, boil celery in 1 glass of water and when the water remains half, mix black salt in it and drink it.


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