Health Tips- Do your bones make a cracking sound, then you may be a victim of this disease


Today man has become so busy in his work that he is not able to pay attention to his food and lifestyle, due to which many health problems arise, in such a situation you must have seen that when many people get up, sit, walk, then there is a cracking sound from the bones, which people ignore, but do you know that this is a serious disease related to bones, today through this article we will provide you complete information about these diseases-


What is the cause of the sounds coming from the joints?

The medical term for the sound coming from your joints is crepitus. This sound occurs when air bubbles in the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints burst when you move. In many cases, crepitus is completely normal and not a cause for concern.

Possible sign of osteoarthritis

While occasional joint cracking is usually harmless, persistent or noticeable noises can be a sign of osteoarthritis. This condition involves the gradual loss of cartilage, the flexible tissue that supports the ends of bones.

Joint noises in children

If a child or teen experiences joint cracking without pain or discomfort, it's usually nothing to worry about. In children, the noise is often caused by air bubbles forming in the joints and is not a sign of weak bones or calcium deficiency.


Remedies for joint noises

Fenugreek seeds: To remove possible air bubbles in the joints, soak half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Chew the seeds in the morning and drink a glass of water. This recipe may help reduce the noise.

Milk, jaggery and chickpeas: Include turmeric milk in your diet to overcome calcium deficiency. Additionally, consuming jaggery and roasted chickpeas may help strengthen bones and reduce joint pain.

By incorporating these measures and maintaining a healthy diet, you can support the health of your joints and potentially reduce bothersome noises.

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