Health Tips- Do not eat these things during periods even by mistake, there may be problem of gas-bloating
Friends, women's life is not easy, there are many ups and downs in it, a woman has to face many problems in her life, one problem is periods which troubles women every month, during this one has to face heavy pain, often women feel like eating different things during this time, but friends, do you know that there are many things whose consumption can increase the pain, let's know about them-
Deep fried foods: Items like French fries, pizza and other deep-fried snacks are high in fat and salt. These can increase water retention in the body, which can cause bloating and gas.
Fatty foods: High-fat foods like burgers, bacon and donuts can slow digestion and increase bloating.
Dairy products: Milk, cheese and other dairy products can cause gas and bloating, especially for those who are lactose intolerant. The body's difficulty digesting lactose during menstruation can be even more.
Beans and lentils: Despite being rich in fiber and nutrients, beans and lentils take longer to digest, which can cause gas.
Soda and carbonated drinks: The carbon dioxide present in soda and other fizzy drinks can cause gas formation in the stomach.