Health Tips- Are you troubled by constipation for years, then mix this thing in milk and drink it


Friends, today man has become so busy in his work and life that he is not able to pay attention to his food and lifestyle, due to which many health problems arise, such as constipation, which may seem simple, but if not treated on time, it can become a cause of trouble, there are many remedies available to reduce this condition. While over-the-counter medicines and powders are commonly used, natural home remedies can also be very effective. But today through this article we will tell you ways to get rid of constipation-

1. Psyllium husk and milk

Psyllium husk is famous for its high fiber content, which is important for reducing constipation. Mix one teaspoon of psyllium husk in a glass of warm milk and drink it before going to bed. The fiber present in psyllium helps to soften the stool and make bowel movements easier.


2. Raisins and Milk

Raisins are not only delicious but also beneficial for digestive health. Raisins will help cleanse your digestive system and relieve constipation by adding natural sugars and fiber to your diet.

3. Ghee and Milk

Ghee is known for its ability to boost digestion and reduce constipation. Mix a teaspoon of desi ghee in a glass of warm milk and drink it before bed. This mixture can help lubricate the digestive system and improve bowel movements.


4. Jaggery and Milk

Jaggery, a traditional unrefined sugar, is rich in enzymes that aid digestion and help relieve constipation. To use jaggery, eat a piece of jaggery with a glass of warm milk before bed. This will help cleanse the digestive system and enhance overall bowel function.

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