Health Issues: Hands and feet become numb while sleeping, know the reason behind it and ways to reduce it

Health Issues: Hands and feet become numb while sleeping, know the reason behind it and ways to reduce it

Feet numbness

Health Issues: Hands and feet become numb while sleeping, know the reason behind it and ways to reduce it

How to reduce numbness in hands and feet while sleeping?

Numbness in hands and feet: Many times our hands and feet become numb while sleeping, which we often ignore thinking that perhaps our nerves might have been pressed, due to which this might have happened. But do you know that there can be many other reasons behind numbness of hands and legs. Apart from pressure on the nerves, it can also cause injury to the nerves, improper blood circulation, deficiency of Vitamin B12, consumption of alcohol, smoking etc. In this situation you need to immediately contact a doctor. So that you can understand the reason behind repeated numbness in hands and legs. If your hands and feet are becoming numb due to common reasons, then you can try some home remedies for this. Let us know about these measures-

Consume turmeric - Can Turmeric Cure Numbness


Due to lack of proper blood circulation in the body, there may be problem of swelling in hands and feet. In such a situation, turmeric can prove beneficial for you. For this, mix 1 pinch of turmeric in 1 glass of water. After this, add half a spoon of honey in it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. This will reduce numbness in hands and feet.

Foot care

Cinnamon is effective – Cinnamon For Numbness

You can use cinnamon to reduce numbness in hands and feet. Cinnamon contains many essential nutrients, which include potassium and manganese. This can prove to be very beneficial for blood circulation in the body. To reduce numbness in hands and feet in the morning, mix about half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of lukewarm water. After this consume it. This will reduce your problems.

Fomentation of hands and feet

If you experience numbness in your hands and feet, irrigate your hands and feet with cold or hot water. With this, blood circulation can occur very well in the entire body. It can relax your nerves and muscles, which will make you feel very relaxed.

Essential oils

Exercise daily

If you experience numbness in hands and feet, you can exercise regularly. This improves the effect of oxygen throughout the body, which can reduce numbness.


Massage Body

Regularly massaging hands and feet with mustard, coconut or olive oil can reduce numbness. It can greatly improve blood circulation in your entire body. This will give relief to the nerves and muscles.



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