Health in friendships: Toxic friendship can ruin your health and productivity so get out of it as soon as possible

Health in friendships: Toxic friendship can ruin your health and productivity so get out of it as soon as possible

Toxic Relationships

Health in friendships: Toxic friendship can ruin your health and productivity so get out of it as soon as possible

Friendship is a bond that is with you without any meaning and helps you move forward. But sometimes friendship can also be toxic. Know how to end such toxic friendship.

Many friends come and go in the life of all of us, some friends stay with us for a long time and some do not. We all are always around our friends. It is very important to choose your friends properly in your life. Because the more good friends we have around us, the more positive we will get and the opportunity to move forward in life. But many times we are with some friends whom we consider as good friends but they are very toxic with us. We do not end our friendship with them because we think that their heart will be broken, but it is also necessary to distance ourselves from them.


What is toxic friendship?

Senior Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ashutosh Srivastava explains that toxic friendship is a relationship in which one or both of the people engage in behavior that is emotionally, mentally or even physically harmful to the other person. There may be some signs of toxic friendship.

Atmosphere of negativity

Toxic friends often bring negativity into the relationship, always complaining, criticizing or just listing problems without offering solutions. Such friends stay around you and only demotivate you.

Atmosphere of negativity

Toxic friends often bring negativity into the relationship, always complaining, criticizing or just listing problems without offering solutions. Such friends stay around you and only demotivate you.


Toxic friends may use manipulation to control the other person, make them feel guilty about anything, play mind games, or use emotional blackmail to get what they want.


Jealousy and competition

Toxic friends may be jealous of your successes or try to compete with you instead of genuinely celebrating your accomplishments. Those people are not happy with any progress you make and may become jealous of you when they see you progressing.

Talking behind your back

Toxic friends can always break your trust. It can be difficult to trust them because they may talk bad about you or talk bad about you behind your back. They may also spread false rumors about you.


How to get out of toxic friendship

Consider your decision

First, take some time to think about why you want to end the friendship. Consider what makes it toxic and how it is negatively impacting your life. Make sure you are confident in your decision.

Be kind with honest

When you talk to your friend, be confident about your feelings and the reasons why you want to end the friendship. Be gentle when you talk. When talking to your friends, avoid blaming or accusing them. You should tell everything by saying what is good for you.

Also know the point of view of the person in front

When you are talking to your friend, try to listen to his friend's situation also. Let them also express their thoughts and feelings. They may have a different perspective or may be unaware of what you are thinking. If you listen to them, they will be able to understand your decision better.

Go ahead

It may take time for you to speak up and get over the friendship. It may take time to move on from a friendship. Remember that ending a toxic friendship can be a step towards a healthy and happy life. Focus on making room for positive relationships and personal growth in your life.

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