Health Care Tips- Health of nose gives indication of your health, know full details


Friends, as we all know that every part of our body is very important, in the same way our nose is also very important, which we often use to smell and breathe, but do you know that it also gives indications about your overall health, some of which can indicate serious diseases. Let's know about it-

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris often first appears on the nose, where clogged skin pores can cause blackheads. If left untreated, these can develop into large lumps, causing infection, inflammation and pus.

Acne rosacea

Acne rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition in which red spots appear on the skin. In severe cases, it can cause rhinophyma, where the skin of the nose thickens and swells, causing pain and discomfort.


Known as "wolf's nose," sarcoidosis causes inflammation that can affect the nose and other tissues in the body, such as the lungs and lymph nodes. It often appears as blue or purple spots on the nose, ears, fingers and toes.


Trigeminal trophic syndrome (TTS)

Trigeminal trophic syndrome affects the trigeminal nerve and can cause painless ulcers around the nose. Symptoms may include anesthesia (loss of sensation) and paresthesia (tingling).

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