Harmful Effects of Papaya: Papaya can harm these people instead of benefiting them, make distance immediately...


1. Patients with low sugar- People whose blood sugar is less than normal, should not eat papaya because papaya increases insulin due to which blood sugar becomes very low. That's why diabetic patients should not consume papaya without asking the doctor.


2. Damage with medicine- Papaya should not be eaten with some medicines because the element present in it reacts in the body and makes the blood thinner. In this situation, bleeding can easily happen in the body. In such a situation, papaya should not be consumed with any medicine.

3. In pregnancy- Raw papaya contains a lot of latex which can increase the contraction in the wall of the uterus. The papain present in papaya damages the cell membrane in the body. The cell membrane is very important for the development of the child growing in the fetus. This is the reason why pregnant women are advised not to eat raw papaya.

4. Allergy- Some people may be allergic due to papaya. Due to this, there may be problems of swelling, dizziness, headache, and rashes on the skin. Therefore, if you feel nausea or dizziness after eating papaya, do not eat papaya. Although this does not happen with everyone.


5 Digestion Problem-Papaya is generally considered very good for digestion but papaya contains a lot of fiber. It removes the problem of constipation, but it can also spoil the digestion of those who already have digestive problems. The latex present in papaya can also cause abdominal pain. This can also cause diarrhea. That's why papaya should be consumed in less quantity.

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