Hair length can be increased, follow these easy remedies


In this article, we are telling you some remedies with the help of experts, which you can use to increase the length of hair

Women use many types of remedies and products to keep hair growth good. But, even after this, the result is not as you want. There can be many reasons for hair growth not being right and due to not taking care of them in a busy life, hair growth is not good. At the same time, to keep the length and growth of hair good, we talked to beauty expert Renu Maheshwari and she has told us some remedies, with the help of which hair growth can increase.

The expert has told about some oils and massaging the hair with these oils can lead to good hair growth. The oil that the expert has told about is full of many properties and all these properties can prove beneficial for hair.

Use coconut oil, tea tree oil, argan oil and vitamin-E capsules

1 to 2 vitamin E capsules
2 teaspoons coconut oil
2 teaspoons tea tree oil
2 teaspoons argan oil
Use it like this
Take coconut oil in a bowl
Add tea tree and argan oil to it
After this, add vitamin E capsules to it
Apply this mixture on the hair
After 2 hours, wash the hair with lukewarm water.
Do this remedy 2 days a week.
Massage hair with almond oil, argan oil

4 teaspoons almond oil
4 teaspoons argan oil
Use it like this
Take argan oil in a bowl
Add argan oil to it
Apply this mixture on the hair
After 2 hours, wash the hair with lukewarm water.
Do this remedy 2 days a week.
Before doing this remedy, use a hot steam towel to thoroughly wash your hair.

Note: Do a patch test on your hair several times before trying this remedy to avoid hair damage

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