Hair Care Tips: Follow these simple steps to get rid of a dry scalp...


Hair Care: The skin of the head i.e. the scalp is an organ like the face which needs the same care as the face. When the scalp is healthy, then the hair also looks healthy and beautiful. You can keep your scalp healthy by keeping it clean and moisturizing. By the way, due to the drop in temperature and humidity in the winter season, a dry layer starts forming on the head. Due to this itching starts in the scalp and due to this the hair also breaks. All this happens when the air is dry. But not only in winter, but the problem of a dry scalp can also bother you in summer. So it is very important to keep the scalp moisturized. For which try the remedies given here.


You can hydrate the scalp with ripe bananas as bananas have natural anti-microbial properties. Take two or three teaspoons of coconut or olive oil to mash a banana. Wash the hair after keeping it on the scalp for 10-15 minutes.

Yogurt provides coolness to the skin and is also effective in exfoliating. The protein present in the egg helps to hydrate and protect the scalp, those who have a cold and cough should not use it too often.

Aloe vera is a great moisturizer for the skin. Apart from this, anti-inflammatory properties are also present in it. After applying it on the scalp for 10 minutes, wash the hair.

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in avocado help moisturize dry skin.


Note- If you are allergic or have any skin-related problem, then before trying the above-mentioned tips, do consult a dermatologist.

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