Hair care tips:-By using this one oil at night, your hair can become waist long, know how?


We all want our hair to look long and thick and for this, we follow various hair care routines every day. Hair growth stops due to a changing lifestyle. For this, you can use household items and say no to external products.

To grow hair longer, you can use things present in the house. So, today we are going to tell you about an oil which will help in growing your hair to waist length. We will also tell you its benefits- 

What things should be used to make hair longer?

  • Mustard oil 
  • Aloe vera gel

What happens when you apply aloe vera gel to hair?

  • Aloe vera gel contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B which provide abundant nourishment to the hair.
  • The antioxidant properties present in it help in hydrating the hair.
  • Aloe vera gel has anti-bacterial properties which protect the hair from all types of infections.

Benefits of applying mustard oil on hair 

  • Mustard oil works as a natural conditioner for hair.
  • Helps in nourishing hair and reducing frizziness.

How to make oil for hair growth?

  • First of all, take mustard oil according to the length of hair in a bowl.
  • Now extract the gel from the aloe vera plant and mix it.
  • Mix these two things well.
  • Apply this oil from the scalp to the length of the hair.
  • Use it before sleeping at night and wash your hair with the help of shampoo as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • After shampooing, you can wash your hair by applying conditioner.
  • You can apply this oil to your hair up to twice a week.
  • By using it continuously, your hair will start growing longer.

Note: Before trying any remedy, you must take expert advice. Also, do a patch test once.

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