Google Maps: Update for Google Maps will be released soon, navigation will be better and more accurate than before...

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Google Maps often remains in the headlines for showing strange navigation to users. Many times users have gotten into trouble due to this. Users will no longer have to face this problem on Google Maps. The company is working on further improving its navigation algorithm.


Regarding the upcoming update of Google Maps, Android developers have said in the blog that Maps will now get the support of a Fused Orientation Provider (FOP). The purpose of this support is to make the orientation detection of Android smartphones better than before. Even though smartphone manufacturing companies may have used different types of hardware.

Navigation will be better than before
Android developers have said that through this update, Google will use Gyroscope, Accelerometer, and Magnetometer data to further improve map navigation. However, Google's idea of using data from all these sensors is not new, the company has used APIs before, but this update will make it work better than before.

The user interface will not change
According to reports, these changes will not only be applicable to Google Maps but will also be applicable to all third-party apps that depend on it for navigational data. The user interface of Google Maps will not be affected in any way by this update. That means the layout of Google Maps will not be affected.


These devices will get updates
Users will be able to install this update through app updates or server-side update. Google will offer it for Android devices running Android 5.0 or above. This update of Google Maps will help in making navigation on busy roads better than before.

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