Gmail Tips: How to delete useless mails in bulk on Gmail, this trick is great for saving important emails..


Out of the many emails on Gmail, only a few are useful. Now, how to delete useless mail from this pile of mail on Gmail is a big and common problem for every Gmail user. Checking and deleting every mail one by one becomes a time-consuming and irritating task. How about deleting mail in bulk at once to free up mail storage? But will the useful emails not get deleted by doing this, this question must be coming to your mind too. The answer to this question is no, it will not happen. You can delete only those emails in bulk which are not useful for you. In this article, we are telling you the trick to delete emails in bulk-


Mark important emails with a star
First of all, you should decide how you want to keep your useful mail safe. If you have read the emails and you feel that the mail is important, then you can mark them with a star. If you do this, then important emails can be identified separately. After this, you can focus on deleting those emails which are read.

Delete useless emails in bulk
First of all, you have to open Mail on your laptop.

Now you have to come to your inbox.

Now you have to click on Search Mail.

Here you have to type the label: read.

Now as soon as you press enter, all the read mails will appear on the screen.

You have read all these emails, they can be deleted.

For this, first, you have to check the box above the mail.


Starred read mails will also come in these, to unselect them you have to click on the down arrow below the Mail and tick Unstarred.

After this, you can tap on the delete icon.

By doing this, all your read and unstarred emails will be deleted

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