Fixed Deposits: Not PNB and SBI, this bank is giving the highest interest, check new interest rates..


Most people check the interest rates of many banks for investing in FD. He likes to invest money only where he gets more interest. Here you have been told about the interest available on Fixed Deposits of State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC Bank, and Punjab National Bank (PNB) which are included in the list of big banks of the country. HDFC Bank is offering a maximum interest of 7.75 percent. PNB is offering interest of up to 7.75 per cent per annum and SBI is offering up to 7.50 per cent per annum. (SBI Vs HDFC Bank Vs PNB Fixed Deposits)


Interest rates on FD of State Bank of India (SBI)

7 days to 45 days: For the general public – 3.00 percent; For senior citizens – 3.50 percent

46 days to 179 days: For the general public – 4.50 percent; For senior citizens – 5.00 percent

180 days to 210 days: For the general public – 5.25 percent; For senior citizens – 5.75 percent

211 days to less than 1 year: For the general public – 5.75 percent; For senior citizens – 6.25 percent

1 year to less than 2 years: For general public – 6.80 percent; For senior citizens – 7.30 percent

2 years to less than 3 years: For the general public – 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

3 years to less than 5 years: For the general public – 6.50 percent; For senior citizens – 7.00 percent

From 5 years to 10 years: For the general public – 6.50 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent.

This much interest is being given on FD of less than Rs 2 crore in HDFC Bank

7 days to 14 days: For the general public – 3.00 percent; For senior citizens – 3.50 percent

15 days to 29 days: For the general public – 3.00 percent; For senior citizens – 3.50 percent

30 days to 45 days: For the general public – 3.50 percent; For senior citizens – 4.00 percent

46 days to 60 days: For the general public – 4.50 percent; For senior citizens – 5.00 percent

61 days to 89 days: For the general public – 4.50 percent; For senior citizens – 5.00 percent

90 days to 6 months: For the general public - 4.50 percent; For senior citizens – 5.00 percent

6 months 1 day to less than 9 months: For the general public – 5.75 percent; For senior citizens – 6.25 percent

9 months 1 day to less than 1 year: For General Public – 6.00 percent; For senior citizens – 6.50 percent


1 year to less than 15 months: For general public – 6.60 percent; For senior citizens – 7.10 percent

15 months to less than 18 months: For the general public – 7.10 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

18 months 1 day to less than 21 months: For the general public - 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

21 months to 2 years: For the general public – 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

2 years 1 day to less than 2 years 11 months: For general public - 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

2 years 11 months to 35 months: For the general public - 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

2 years 11 months 1 day to 4 years 7 months: For general public - 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

4 years 7 months 1 day Less than or equal to 5 years: For general public - 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

5 years 1 day to 10 years: For General Public – 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.75 percent

Punjab National Bank is getting this much interest on FD of less than Rs 2 crore

7 days to 14 days: For general public – 3.50 percent; For senior citizens – 4.00 percent

15 days to 29 days: For the general public – 3.50 percent; For senior citizens – 4.00 percent

30 days to 45 days: For general public – 3.50 percent; For senior citizens – 4.00 percent

46 days to 90 days: For general public – 4.50 percent; For senior citizens – 5.00 percent

91 days to 179 days: For general public – 4.50 percent; For senior citizens – 5.00 percent

180 days to 270 days: For the general public – 5.50 percent; For senior citizens – 6.00 percent

271 days to less than 1 year: For general public – 5.80 percent; For senior citizens – 6.30 percent

1 year: For general public – 6.80 percent; For senior citizens – 7.30 percent

Above 1 year to 443 days: For general public – 6.80 percent; For senior citizens – 7.30 percent

444 days: For general public – 7.25 percent; For senior citizens – 7.75 percent

445 days to 2 years: For general public – 6.80 percent; For senior citizens – 7.30 percent

More than 2 years to 3 years: For general public – 7.00 percent; For senior citizens – 7.50 percent

More than 3 years to 5 years: For general public – 6.50 percent; For senior citizens – 7.00 percent

5 years to more than 10 years: For general public - 6.50 percent; For senior citizens – 7.30 percent
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