Does height really not increase after periods? Know what is the real truth


Girls Height After Periods: When periods come, many hormonal changes in their body, genetic factors and overall health can affect the height. The rate of height growth in girls decreases after periods.

Girls Height After Periods: Height also adds to one's personality. It gives confidence from within. However, due to many factors like changing lifestyle and poor eating habits, nowadays the height of many boys and girls does not increase at an early age. This problem is seen a lot in girls.

Hormonal changes can also affect their height (Girls Height). It is believed that the height of girls does not increase after periods, but how much truth is there in this, does periods really affect the height of girls. Know here...

Does the height of girls not increase after periods?

According to health experts, puberty occurs in girls between the ages of 8 and 14. During this time, their body undergoes many changes. This also includes periods. After periods, many changes occur in the body of girls, which can affect their height. Doctors say that the height of girls does not increase after periods, this is completely wrong, because even after this the height of girls increases by a few inches.

Why does the height of girls not increase after periods?

According to doctors, periods themselves do not affect the height of girls. The height of girls grows well before puberty. When periods come, many hormonal changes in their body, genetic factors and overall health can affect the height. The rate of height growth in girls decreases after periods, so sometimes periods can be delayed, periods do not directly affect height.

How much height can be increased after periods

Regarding this, doctors say that height can increase by one or two inches after periods. Increasing height more than this depends on the height of your family members. Diet and physical activities can also help in increasing height a little after periods.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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