Diabetes Diet: Masur lentils control blood sugar, know how to include it in the diet..


Diabetes Diet: Diabetes is an incurable disease, but to control it, it is important to take special care of diet. This disease is becoming common due to changing lifestyle, wrong eating habits, stress, etc., but if blood sugar is not controlled in time, you can become a victim of many other fatal diseases.


Pulses are considered very beneficial for diabetic patients, but you can control blood sugar by including some special pulses in your diet. If you are a diabetic patient, then lentils can prove to be very beneficial for you. The glycemic index of this pulse is low. Due to this diabetic patients can include it in their daily diet. Lentils are also rich in protein and fiber. Which is necessary for health. Let us know in what ways to include lentils in the diet.

Lentil Khichdi
You can use masoor dal as khichdi. It is delicious as well as full of health. It is light, making it easy to digest. It is also quite easy to make. You can include this khichdi in lunch or dinner.

Lentil Dosa
If you are a diabetic patient and like to eat dosa, then you can make delicious dosa using lentils. You can eat it as breakfast in the evening or morning.

Make Tasty Lentil Dal
Pulses are an important part of our diet. Indian food is not complete without it. You can enjoy masoor dal with roti or rice.


Sour lentils
You can mix tamarind in lentils, due to which its taste is quite different. You can enjoy this sour dal with roti, rice or biryani.
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