Dengue vs Malaria: Can a person have dengue and malaria together? Know expert opinion..


Dengue vs Malaria: As soon as the rains arrive, the period of diseases and infections starts. While in the past people across the country were troubled due to eye flu, now dengue has made life difficult for people. Dengue cases are continuously being reported from many parts of the country. Not only this but apart from India, dengue has created terror in the neighboring country Bangladesh also. In such a situation, it is important to avoid this serious disease and keep yourself safe.

Apart from dengue, the risk of malaria also increases significantly in this season. Apart from dengue, cases of malaria are also being reported in some areas of the country. Dengue and malaria are both serious mosquito-borne diseases, which are spread through mosquito bites. However, many questions remain in the minds of people regarding both these diseases. In such a situation, we talked to the expert to learn some important things about malaria and dengue.


Similarity between malaria and dengue
There are many similarities between malaria and dengue. Both of these diseases usually spread during the rainy season and both are spread by mosquito bites. In both these diseases, the victim has a high fever, due to which the body temperature increases. Due to this the person also feels tired and weak. However, apart from the similarities, there are many differences between the two diseases, about which we spoke to Dr. Tushar Tayal, Principal Consultant, Internal Medicine, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram.

What is the difference between dengue and malaria?
Doctor Tushar explains that malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is spread through the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. The two most common types of Plasmodium that infect humans are Vivax and Falciparum. Of these, Falciparum is more deadly and causes cerebral malaria.

Symptoms of malaria
Talking about the symptoms of malaria, the symptoms of this disease start appearing 10-15 days after the mosquito bite, which is as follows-

Fever with chills and excessive shivering
Headache, body ache, and joint pain
Jaundice and low hemoglobin
low blood sugar level
bleeding in urine
Seizures and coma (especially in falciparum malaria)
If not treated timely, malaria can be life-threatening and can cause respiratory and kidney failure, abnormal bleeding, and even death.

Dengue is also a disease spread by mosquitoes. However, unlike malaria, this disease spreads among people through the bite of Aedes species of mosquito. This is a type of infection caused by the dengue virus (DENV), which reaches the bones and makes them weak. This is the reason why it is also called break-bone fever.

Dengue symptoms
Symptoms of dengue usually begin 1 week after the mosquito bite. Its symptoms are sometimes quite mild, which resolve on their own. Some of the main symptoms of dengue are as follows-

high fever
pain behind the eyes
joint pain
In severe cases, the symptoms of dengue can vary and sometimes there are warning signs. Its serious symptoms include the following-

drop in blood pressure
develop a rash
fluid accumulation in the lungs and abdomen
Can dengue and malaria occur together?
The possibility of the same person getting dengue and malaria simultaneously is quite rare, as both diseases are caused by different species of mosquitoes. Dengue is caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, while malaria is caused by the Anopheles mosquito. In such a situation, the possibility of mosquitoes of two different species biting the same person is extremely rare, but not impossible.


Dengue or malaria, which is more deadly?
Both these diseases caused by mosquitoes can prove fatal. Be it dengue or malaria, if both the diseases are not treated in time, it can even lead to your death. In such a situation, take all necessary precautions to avoid mosquitoes.
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